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Sunday 18 March 2018

2 Week Water Challenge

In an effort to up my own water intake each day I'm hosting a Free 2 Week water challenge over on facebook!!  If you haven't already I invite you to join us for a fun free group starting March 19th!  It will just be a fun free group that will hopefully get everyone drinking more water and have some fun while we do it.  

Tracking your water intake is a great way to stay accountable and see how much you are truly consuming in the day.  For me my first glass is easy since I'm working out first thing in the morning but after that it's recovery drink, coffee, smoothie and then more water.  So I need to make sure I'm getting more water in all through the day!!!  

I've created a document to track our water intake over the next 2 weeks in our group!  It's a free printable Water Tracker you can download here whether you are doing the challenge or just want to track your water intake any time.  

Here are my top 10 Ways to Drink More Water

1. Set a Daily Goal
Knowing is half the battle, right? I recommend drinking half your body weight, in ounces of water, every day. So, if you weigh 180 pounds, divide that by 2. Your magic number would be 90. That’s 90 ounces of water every day, a little more than 2.5 liters
2. Wake Up and Drink
Drink a glass — or two! — as soon as you wake up. You haven’t had any fluids for eight hours, so this could be the most dehydrated you will be all day. Try leaving a tall glass of water on your nightstand and drink it before you get out of bed.
3. Flavor Your Water
Not thrilled with the tasteless taste of water? You can give your water zing by adding a wedge of lemon, crushed mint leaves, sliced cucumbers, or strawberries… the ideas are endless!
4. Invest in a Vessel
At home, designate a beautiful glass or pitcher that you’ll want to use frequently. I love having a special water glass or water bottle to making my water drinking experience just a little more fun!
Buy several reusable water bottles that you can stash in your car, at work, in your gym bag so you’re never far away from this precious liquid, no matter where you are. There are even water bottles that come with filters, so there’s no excuse!
5. Set Reminders
Set an alarm to remind you to drink every hour during the workday. When it goes off, get up, shake a leg, and take a stroll to the water cooler for a refill.
6. Pair It With Other Activities
Fill up your reusable water bottle before you walk your dog, check your email, or when you leave for work. Drink a glass of water before you brush your teeth or wash your face. Then, drink another glass when you’re done. I try to make sure to drink a glass with every meal or snack.
7. Sip While You Exercise
Being dehydrated can slow you down and zap your energy, making your cardio or weight lifting workout feel brutal. Your muscles need fluids to function, so be sure to hydrate before, during, and after exercise.
8. Drink a Glass Before Bed
If it doesn’t make you stumble to the bathroom in the middle of the night, drink a glass before you catch some ZZZs to stay hydrated until morning. Or, try a soothing mug of hot water with lemon and a small drizzle of honey.
9. Drink Before You Eat
Drinking water before you eat will help you feel more satiated and you will eat less.
10. Suck it up
Some people find that they drink faster when drinking through a straw. Pop a paper straw or a reusable metal or glass straw in your next glass.
BONUS Tip:  Make It a Competition
Join a water challenge with me!!  I have been trying to up my water game but I need some accountability join our group so we can support each other in hydrating more! Join us here!

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